Whilst breast cancer is a common cancer diagnosis for women, male breast cancer is often diagnosed when it is in a later and more advanced stage.
This is because many people are unaware that male breast cancer exists. Men are less familiar with common breast cancer signs and symptoms and often delay seeking medical advice.
Even though men are 100 times less likely to develop the disease than women, it is still possible. Various studies have shown that 80 percent of men are unaware that males can obtain the disease.
Symptoms of male breast cancer:
Early intervention is vital for the treatment of breast cancer in both males and females.
Typical symptoms of breast cancer in men include a lump in the breast, a sore or rash forming around the nipple or the nipple turning inwards. Less common symptoms might include small bumps in the armpit and nipple discharge of the affected breast.
Treatment of male breast cancer:
Treatment for men with breast cancer will largely depend on how far the cancer has spread. However, a mastectomy is the main type of treatment used to treat breast cancer in men.
This surgery involves removing the breast tissue from the affected breast as well as the nipple and affected glands. Other treatment plans might include radiation, chemotherapy and/ or endocrine therapy.
Cover for male breast cancer:
TRA offers an Optional For Him Benefit for spouses and common-law partners under our Female Cancer Cover product. A predetermined sum of money will be paid upon the confirmed diagnosis of prostate cancer, testicular cancer, penile cancer, bladder cancer and male breast cancer.
Note that this is not a stand-alone product and a Female Cancer Cover policy must be in place with TRA.
Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be life changing and treatment is often expensive and ongoing. Avoid the risk of going into financial debt and find a cancer cover product that suits your needs and budget.
For more information visit: Female Cancer Cover