Gap Cover

Absolute Cover Plus

Our Flagship Gap Cover Product

Absolute Cover Plus is our flagship product which provides Gap cover, Casualty cover, Co-Payment cover and Sub-Limit cover, as well as a separate Oncology benefit that provides Oncology Gap cover, Oncology Co-Payment cover and Oncology Extender cover.

Premium Per Policy Per Month





Over 65's


The Absolute Cover Plus option covers up to 700% above medical aid scheme tariff.
This means that if your service provider charges anything up to 7 times what your medical aid will
cover, TRA will provide for this GAP, subject to the annual limit. Waiting periods may apply.

Cover up to 700% icon

Cover up
to 700%

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Fast Claim

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Easy Claims

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Affordable Prices
From R620 p/m

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Automatic Claim

Absolute Cover Plus
Tariff Shortfalls for Theatre and Ward Fees, Consumables, Laparoscopic/Endoscopic Equipment

Applies to authorised in-hospital and in-lieu of hospital procedures, where the medical aid pays a portion of the fees from its in-hospital or major medical benefit. (Includes MRI/ CT/PET scans consumables.)

R5 000 per policy per annum.

Shortfalls on Specialist Consultations

Cover for the shortfall on a specialist account related to the consultation in the rooms before a member is going for an in-hospital procedure.

Limited to the following number of consults p.p.p.a (up to a max of R500 per consult).

4 consults per policy per annum.

Casualty (Casualty/ER Unit linked to a hospital)

Sometimes accidents occur and you need to rush to casualty.

Your medical aid does not always cover the total costs in full. Whether payment comes from your medical scheme savings account or day-to-day benefit, the gap will be covered, provided it is for an ACCIDENT, and the treatment provided is at a casualty unit linked to a hospital.

Sometimes, your medical aid will not account for anything regarding this casualty visit, leaving you to cover the bill in full.
This benefit will cover you for up to R23 100 per policy per annum (subject to the annual limit*), EVEN IF YOUR MEDICAL AID COVERS NOTHING.

Children under the age of 8 ONLY – May be admitted for any treatment at a casualty unit linked to a hospital between the hours of 7 pm to 7 am from Monday to Friday, from 7 pm on a Friday until 7 am on a Monday, and all day on a public holiday.


Casualty follow-up consultations

(The initial treatment must have taken place in a casualty/ER unit linked to a hospital following an accident.) 

1 follow-up consultation per policy per annum at an ER unit (accident-related only).

Emergency Medical Services (Ambulance)

The shortfall related to the use of Out-of-Network (Non-DSP) emergency medical services.

Unlimited but subject to the aggregate annual limit per insured person per annum.


These days most medical aid schemes impose a sub-limit on in-hospital prostheses costs and some even limit the monetary amount that is available for MRI and CT and PET scans. In both cases, members may be out of pocket and will have to cover these costs themselves.

  • Prosthesis sub-limit: Unlimited but subject to R210 580 per insured person per annum. Up to R68 250 per event.
  • MRI / CT / PET scans sub-limit: This benefit provides for 2 MRI, CT or PET scans per policy per annum and up to R6 300 per scan, subject to the annual limit*.
  • Colonoscopies and Gastroscopies: This Benefit provides up to R23 100; per policy per annum. Up to R6 300 per event, subject to the annual limit.
Accidental Death
  • Accidents happen! Unfortunately, some severe accidents may even result in death. The situation is made worse if that person was the main breadwinner. Costs can run into the thousands and often funds are tied up to an estate.
  • This benefit will provide an amount of R31 500 in the event of death of the insured and/or spouse, and R21 000 in the event of the death of the dependant, caused by violent, accidental, external, or visible means.
TRA Assist
  • Benefits: Home Drive, Uber, Panic Button (includes a Roadguard service), Medical Health Line & Trauma Counselling Line (including a COVID-19 care line) and Claims Submissions.
  • Click here for more information.
Travel Benefit
  • Benefits include but are not limited to:
    • Emergency Medical and Related expenses: R1 000 000
    • Medical Evacuation, Repatriation or Transportation to a Medical Centre: Actual expense covered when arranged by Hepstar Financial Services.
    • Personal Accident Cover: Death: R25 000 / Permanent Disability: up to R25 000
    • Theft or Accidental Damage during trip: R5 000 / Single item limit: R1 500
    • Theft, Damage or loss by Airline: R5 000 / Single item limit: R1 500
    • Baggage Delay (more that 4 hours): R500
    • Baggage Delay (more that 24 hours): R1 000
  • Unlimited per policy per annum but subject to R210 580
  • These days most medical aid schemes insist that members pay an upfront amount for certain diagnostic and endoscopic procedures like gastroscopies and colonoscopies.
  • This amount is known as a co-payment or deductible.
  • The amount of times and total you can claim from this Co- Payment benefit is Unlimited (subject to the annual limit*), provided you make use of your medical aid’s designated service provider network.
  • Where a policyholder voluntarily chooses to make use of a service provider that is NOT part of their medical aid’s designated service provider network, this benefit will be limited to 2 co-payment or deductible events per policy per annum, to a combined maximum of R16 800, subject to the annual limit*
  • Co-Payment Benefit: Out of Hospital MRI/CT/PET scans. The co-payment or deductible that your medical aid charges you for MRI / CT / PET scans
    BUT which have been authorised and paid from the In-Hospital or Major Medical benefit. 2 scans per policy per annum. Unlimited but subject the aggregate annual limit per insured person per annum.
  • Oncology Gap Benefit: Up to an aggregate of R210 580 per insured person per annum. The shortfall that arises after your medical aid has processed your account and is due to service providers charging above scheme tariff for medical aid approved oncology treatment plans (NB: Subject to the gap cover percentage; and medical aid approved treatment plan being covered up to scheme tariff and within annual scheme oncology limit).
  • Oncology Gap Benefit: Breast Reconstruction Surgery; The shortfall that arises after your medical aid has processed your account and is due to service providers charging above scheme tariff for medical aid approved oncology related breast reconstruction surgery, including the unaffected breast. (NB: Subject to: the gap cover percentage; and medical aid approved treatment plan being covered up to scheme tariff and within the annual scheme oncology limit).  R36 750 per policy per annum

Oncology Co-Payment Benefit:

  • The co-payment or deductible that your medical aid charges you for certain in-hospital procedures. This co-payment is NOT related to the scheme tariff and service provider charge shortfall or designated service provider arrangements.
  • For claims where the medical aid will only pay a percentage for the approved treatment and the policyholder needs to pay the remaining percentage of the account.
  • All costs to be within the annual scheme oncology limit.

Oncology Co-Payment Benefit (In Network): Unlimited per policy per annum but subject to R210 580 per insured person per annum.

Oncology Co-Payment Benefit (Out Of Network i.e. voluntary use of a non-designated service provider): 2 co-payments per policy per annum up to a combined limit of R16 800.

Oncology Extender Benefit: Includes ANY approved costs above annual scheme oncology limit but subject to the medical aid scheme covering up to this limit. Unlimited per policy per annum but subject to R210 580 per insured person per annum.

Oncology “New Tech” Benefit: We cover the shortfall / co-payment on new technology oncology treatment (specifically Keytruda®,Xalkori®, Tagrisso®, Yervoy®, Zelboraf®, Imbruvica®). Subject to a medical aid authorised treatment plan and designated service providers being utilised. Up to R17 325 per policy per annum

Policy Extender
  • We often hear of cases where one of our policyholders passes away, leaving their loved ones to pick up the pieces. They are left with the challenge to make sure that the gap cover they were used to is funded for a period of time.
  • This benefit will provide for your gap cover premiums for a period of 12 months after the accidental death of the original policyholder.
Global Fee Benefit
  • Where a global fee has been negotiated between a medical aid and service providers for a specific procedure (which includes ALL costs related to that procedure) and service providers charge amounts in excess of this global fee (not related to a tariff rate, co-payment or sub-limit).
  • This benefit provides an amount of up to Up to R25 200 per policy per annum.
Dental Benefit
  • Dental Benefit: Up to an aggregate of R210 580 per insured person per annum. The shortfall that arises after your medical aid has processed your account and is due to service providers charging above scheme tariff for authorised dental procedures performed in hospital or in doctor’s rooms and paid from the in-hospital or major medical benefit only.
  • The cover is limited to a percentage of the original scheme tariff, as follows:
    • Adults and dependants over 18 years of age: Treatment of impacted wisdom teeth, extractions, apicoectomies or loss of teeth due to oncology or trauma ONLY.
    • Dependants up to 18 years of age: Any procedure or treatment.
Private Ward Benefit (includes Maternity)

The shortfall between the General Ward Rate and the Private Ward Rate for hospitalisation where an admission to a Private Ward occurred.

For Childbirth and for Non-Childbirth: Limited to a maximum of R525 per day, for a total of 3 consecutive days.

Medical Aid Contribution Waiver Benefit

Provides cover towards a policyholder’s medical aid contribution in the case of the accidental death of the main policyholder. Cover is limited to the lower of the actual medical aid contribution or the maximum amount allowed. 6 months. Up to a max. of R6 930 per month.

Maternity Follow-Up Consultations

Cover for the shortfall on a specialist (OBGYN/Paediatrician) account related to a consultation in the rooms within 6 weeks after childbirth. 

Up to R1 250 per consultation per policy per annum.

Get Absolute Cover Plus Now!*

*Annual Limit: The Basic Gap, Maternity ward, Global fee, Co-Payments, Sub-Limits, Casualty and Oncology Gap benefits
are subject to the aggregate gap cover annual limit of R210 580 per insured person per annum.
(This limit may change due to regulatory amendment).

*Annual Limit: The Basic Gap, Maternity ward, Global fee, Co-Payments, Sub-Limits, Casualty and Oncology Gap benefits are subject to the aggregate gap cover annual limit of R210 580 per insured person per annum. (This limit may change due to regulatory amendment).

A full list of 2025 terms and conditions can be viewed here .

Gap Cover Example - Absolute Cover Plus
Placement of Internal Prosthesis

Judy saved R110 316.11. By choosing Absolute Cover Plus, you can too.

Your medical aid, just like Judy’s, may impose a co-payment on Endoscopic or Laporoscopic Procedures, Hysterectomies as well as Colonoscopies.

Eliminate the financial worry from the stress of a hospital operation or stay.

Attending Doctor

Orthopaedic Surgeon



Private Rate

R 121 227.71

R 27 642.94

R 148 920.65

Medical Aid Tariff

R 39 143.44

R 11 998.10

R 51 141.54

Gap Cover

R 82 134.27

R 15 644.84

R 97 779.11

Your Share

R 0

R 0

R 0

Medical Aid Sub Limit for Internal Prosthesis

Medical Aid Sub Limit for Internal Prosthesis


R 42 537.00

R 148 920.65

R 30 000.00

R 51 141.54

R 12 537.00

R 110 316.11

R 0

R 0

Terms & Conditions Apply.

Elderly lady smiling


Placement of Internal Prosthesis

Judy saved R110 316.11. By choosing Absolute Cover Plus, you can too.

Elderly lady smiling

Your medical aid, just like Judy’s, may impose a sub-limit fee for Hip or Knee Replacements, as well as Pacemaker and Stent Operations.

Eliminate the financial worry from the stress of a hospital operation or stay.

Absolute Cover Plus - Tariffs Payed
Absolute Cover Plus - Tariffs Payed

Terms & Conditions Apply.

What is Gap Cover?

Gap Cover is an insurance policy that covers the difference between
what your medical aid pays and what service providers charge for
in-hospital expenses.

Gap Cover is an insurance policy that covers the difference between what your medical aid pays and what service providers charge for in-hospital expenses.

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